Land for Sale in Stueng Kaev
Stueng Kaev, Tuek Chhou, Kampot
Sale price
$228,000 | $19.0/m²
Rent per month
Property type Land/Development
Title Soft Title
Property ID 222835
Listed 08/12/2022
Updated 08/12/2022
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+85561 777 090
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-size 1.2ha
-price 19$/m2
-the frontside is on main road & the backside is on river
-good for resort or holiday home at Kampot
-price 19$/m2
-the frontside is on main road & the backside is on river
-good for resort or holiday home at Kampot

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Land for Sale in Stueng Kaev
Stueng Kaev, Tuek Chhou, Kampot
For sale
Land for sale 19$
-size 1.2ha
-price 19$/m2
-the frontside is on main road & the backside is on river
-good for resort or holiday home at Kampot
-price 19$/m2
-the frontside is on main road & the backside is on river
-good for resort or holiday home at Kampot
Property Overview
Property type: Land/Development
Title: Soft Title
Property ID: 222835
Listed: 08/12/2022
Updated: 08/12/2022