Land for Sale in Svay Rumpear
Svay Rumpear, Kampong Leaeng, Kampong Chhnang
Property type Land/Development
Title Hard Title
Property ID 196333
Original ID 6329588
Listed 24/11/2021
Updated 23/10/2024
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Land for Sale at Kampong Speu
-Land Size : 405689 sqm
-Land Price : 25$/sqm
-Hard title
-Location: Slab leng village, Svay rompear Commune , Kampong Speu
-Land Size : 405689 sqm
-Land Price : 25$/sqm
-Hard title
-Location: Slab leng village, Svay rompear Commune , Kampong Speu

Living Areas

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Land for Sale in Svay Rumpear
Svay Rumpear, Kampong Leaeng, Kampong Chhnang
For sale
Land for Sale at Kampong Speu
Land for Sale at Kampong Speu
-Land Size : 405689 sqm
-Land Price : 25$/sqm
-Hard title
-Location: Slab leng village, Svay rompear Commune , Kampong Speu
-Land Size : 405689 sqm
-Land Price : 25$/sqm
-Hard title
-Location: Slab leng village, Svay rompear Commune , Kampong Speu
Property Overview
Property type: Land/Development
Title: Hard Title
Property ID: 196333
Original ID: 6329588
Listed: 24/11/2021
Updated: 23/10/2024