Land for Rent in Anlong Romiet , Anlong Romiet, Kandal Stueng, Kandal
Rent per month
Land Area (m²)
Property type Land/Development
Property ID 223278
Listed 19/12/2022
Updated 19/12/2022
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- Land for Rent near Phnom Penh City
- Size: 40mx100m
- Location: Near 7 Makara Bridge, about 800m from National Road 3 (Can refer to Google Maps Link)
- A type of farmland with different types of fruit trees
- Perfect Location for warehouse, relaxing restaurant or other types of business
- Can rent only half or the whole land
- Price is negotiable based on type and duration of rental
- For more information, please contact via Telegram: 070 862823 (EMMA)
- Size: 40mx100m
- Location: Near 7 Makara Bridge, about 800m from National Road 3 (Can refer to Google Maps Link)
- A type of farmland with different types of fruit trees
- Perfect Location for warehouse, relaxing restaurant or other types of business
- Can rent only half or the whole land
- Price is negotiable based on type and duration of rental
- For more information, please contact via Telegram: 070 862823 (EMMA)

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Land for Rent in Anlong Romiet , Anlong Romiet, Kandal Stueng, Kandal
For rent
$500per month
4000Land Area (m²)
Land for Rent near Phnom Penh City
- Land for Rent near Phnom Penh City
- Size: 40mx100m
- Location: Near 7 Makara Bridge, about 800m from National Road 3 (Can refer to Google Maps Link)
- A type of farmland with different types of fruit trees
- Perfect Location for warehouse, relaxing restaurant or other types of business
- Can rent only half or the whole land
- Price is negotiable based on type and duration of rental
- For more information, please contact via Telegram: 070 862823 (EMMA)
- Size: 40mx100m
- Location: Near 7 Makara Bridge, about 800m from National Road 3 (Can refer to Google Maps Link)
- A type of farmland with different types of fruit trees
- Perfect Location for warehouse, relaxing restaurant or other types of business
- Can rent only half or the whole land
- Price is negotiable based on type and duration of rental
- For more information, please contact via Telegram: 070 862823 (EMMA)
Property Overview
Property type: Land/Development
Property ID: 223278
Listed: 19/12/2022
Updated: 19/12/2022