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+85561 777 090
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该项目于2018年11月开工建设,预计2021年年中完工。这幢41层的整齐的建筑有着鲜明而圆滑的设计,完美地将不规则尺寸的土地与设计契合,体现了现代建筑的创造力。并且这个项目不仅体现了纽约Flatiron By Meridian的精髓,而且还采用了现代大型玻璃结构和精致的室内设施进行了装饰创新。
Flatiron By Meridian在时尚的办公室区域将居住舒适性和创新精神完美结合,办公空间有17层,位于09F—25F。它的空中露台为入驻者提供休闲放松的空间,以最佳的城市视野,与紧密、热情友好的活力一起注入工作区域。最重要的是,Flatiron By Meridian还可以提供人们梦寐以求的高品质生活和国际化的工作空间。
入住Flatiron By Meridian,意味着您可以轻松到达金边繁华而吸引人的各个商业区,这里遍布购物,休闲,餐饮和旅游景点,并且被各种政府,教育,医院,银行等行政经济和医疗便民机构环绕。
Flatiron By Meridian囊括许多人想要的所有豪华设施,例如无边泳池,体育场级健身室,节奏自行车室,瑜伽室,桑拿浴室,会议室,共用厨房,休息室,阳光甲板,豪华大堂,停车场和景观设计。更重要的是...在一楼,Flatiron By Meridian以“时髦/现代”为主题,营造了一个绝佳而充满活力的商业环境,为业主、居民邻里、零售商及投资者汇聚购物,餐馆,娱乐场所,社交聚会等各类场所。
优越的地理位置和风景如画的环境使Flatiron By Meridian的每一刻都充满时尚感。除了丰富的便利设施之外,这座多功能综合大厦的每一个细节都定义了轻奢。室内建筑和装饰的质量率先使用智能技术。智能化的24小时安全服务和贴心的居家服务,让入驻者的生活和工作充满欢乐和欢乐。
多种风格的服务式酒店公寓位于Flatiron By Meridian大厦29F - 41F,共13层。它配备“新中式装饰”和由新加坡嘉德置地集团旗下的高级物业服务提供商雅诗阁(Ascott)管理的定制家居服务,秉承当地文化理念,将为入驻者提供世界级的管家服务。
Flatiron By Meridian酒店公寓提供多种选择,包括大单间、配备私人厨房和开放式浴室的宽敞一居室公寓,以及精心设计的、为迷你旅行团或者可供六口之家入住的两居室公寓。
如果投资者在Flatiron By Meridian的公寓或办公空间投资,除永久保有土地使用权外,基于同一地区的其它项目标准,投资者还可以分别获得10年固定的8.5%和9.5%的年回报率投资收益,以及保证租金返还,这比金边的平均回报率还要高得多。另外,开发商还提供了一个回购期权选择,可以在10年后以原价回购房产。



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102 street, 萨诈分区, 隆边区, 金边
Flatiron By Meridian
该项目于2018年11月开工建设,预计2021年年中完工。这幢41层的整齐的建筑有着鲜明而圆滑的设计,完美地将不规则尺寸的土地与设计契合,体现了现代建筑的创造力。并且这个项目不仅体现了纽约Flatiron By Meridian的精髓,而且还采用了现代大型玻璃结构和精致的室内设施进行了装饰创新。
Flatiron By Meridian在时尚的办公室区域将居住舒适性和创新精神完美结合,办公空间有17层,位于09F—25F。它的空中露台为入驻者提供休闲放松的空间,以最佳的城市视野,与紧密、热情友好的活力一起注入工作区域。最重要的是,Flatiron By Meridian还可以提供人们梦寐以求的高品质生活和国际化的工作空间。
入住Flatiron By Meridian,意味着您可以轻松到达金边繁华而吸引人的各个商业区,这里遍布购物,休闲,餐饮和旅游景点,并且被各种政府,教育,医院,银行等行政经济和医疗便民机构环绕。
Flatiron By Meridian囊括许多人想要的所有豪华设施,例如无边泳池,体育场级健身室,节奏自行车室,瑜伽室,桑拿浴室,会议室,共用厨房,休息室,阳光甲板,豪华大堂,停车场和景观设计。更重要的是...在一楼,Flatiron By Meridian以“时髦/现代”为主题,营造了一个绝佳而充满活力的商业环境,为业主、居民邻里、零售商及投资者汇聚购物,餐馆,娱乐场所,社交聚会等各类场所。
优越的地理位置和风景如画的环境使Flatiron By Meridian的每一刻都充满时尚感。除了丰富的便利设施之外,这座多功能综合大厦的每一个细节都定义了轻奢。室内建筑和装饰的质量率先使用智能技术。智能化的24小时安全服务和贴心的居家服务,让入驻者的生活和工作充满欢乐和欢乐。
多种风格的服务式酒店公寓位于Flatiron By Meridian大厦29F - 41F,共13层。它配备“新中式装饰”和由新加坡嘉德置地集团旗下的高级物业服务提供商雅诗阁(Ascott)管理的定制家居服务,秉承当地文化理念,将为入驻者提供世界级的管家服务。
Flatiron By Meridian酒店公寓提供多种选择,包括大单间、配备私人厨房和开放式浴室的宽敞一居室公寓,以及精心设计的、为迷你旅行团或者可供六口之家入住的两居室公寓。
如果投资者在Flatiron By Meridian的公寓或办公空间投资,除永久保有土地使用权外,基于同一地区的其它项目标准,投资者还可以分别获得10年固定的8.5%和9.5%的年回报率投资收益,以及保证租金返还,这比金边的平均回报率还要高得多。另外,开发商还提供了一个回购期权选择,可以在10年后以原价回购房产。
Explore properties in 熨斗大厦

分期付款 | 里程碑 | 支付 |
Booking fee | $1,500 | |
2 weeks after booking | 90% of payment | Depend of the actual price of the unit |
4 weeks after booking | 10% of payment | Depend of the actual price of the unit |
Location Overview
$110K - $1M
$627 - $4K
293 房源
2811 房源
- 在熨斗大厦单位成本是多少?
The starting price for units in this project is $None.
For a Flatiron by Meridian - Serviced Offices prices fluctuate between Starting from $250,000 - $1,200,000 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 2 units with floor area being 63.55m² - 121.87m².
For a Flatiron by Meridian - Brooklyn Offices prices fluctuate between Starting from $250,000 - $1,200,000 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 2 units with floor area being 81.21m² - 120.27m².
For a Flatiron by Meridian - Astoria Offices prices fluctuate between Starting from $250,000 - $1,200,000 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 1 units with floor area being 101.05m².
For a Flatiron by Meridian - Boardway Offices prices fluctuate between Starting from $250,000 - $1,200,000 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 2 units with floor area being 111.30m² - 137.11m².
For a Flatiron by Meridian - Chelsea Office prices fluctuate between Starting from $250,000 - $1,200,000 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 1 units with floor area being 113m².
For a Flatiron by Meridian - Madison Offices prices fluctuate between Starting from $250,000 - $1,200,000 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 8 units with floor area being 121.64m² - 189.98m².
For a Flatiron by Meridian - Hamilton Office prices fluctuate between Starting from $250,000 - $1,200,000 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 1 units with floor area being 121.64m².
For a Flatiron by Meridian - Inwoods prices fluctuate between Starting from $250,000 - $1,200,000 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 2 units with floor area being 240.69m².
For a Flatiron by Meridian - Forest Hill prices fluctuate between Starting from $250,000 - $1,200,000 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 1 units with floor area being 164.10m².
For a Flatiron by Meridian - Hotel Room prices fluctuate between Starting from $250,000 - $1,200,000 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 2 units with floor area being 32m².
For a Flatiron by Meridian - Studio prices fluctuate between Starting from $250,000 - $1,200,000 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 2 units with floor area being 64.16m².
For a Flatiron by Meridian - One Bedroom prices fluctuate between Starting from $250,000 - $1,200,000 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 13 units with floor area being 84.36m² - 139m².
For a Flatiron by Meridian - Two Bedrooms prices fluctuate between Starting from $250,000 - $1,200,000 depending on the level and facing direction of the property. There are currently 10 units with floor area being 68.13m² - 223.44m².
- 有哪些亮点和设施?
Highlights in this project include: 包租托管, 高回报率, 品牌开发商, 高升值空间 and 现房.
Facilities include: 备用发电, 停车位, 公用面积, 花园, 健身房/健身中心, 电梯, 非洪区, 靠主干道 and 泳池.